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Release Notes

Qeexo AutoML 1.25.0


New Features:

  • Added Stop & Save or recollect options during data collection

Bug Fixes & Improvements:

  • General Web-App Bug Fixes

Known Issues

Qeexo AutoML 1.24.0


New Features:

  • Added Manual Calibration option for live testing in multi-class anomaly projects

  • Added Manual Calibration option for Test Replay

Bug Fixes & Improvements:

  • Anomaly class model performance improvements

  • General web-app bug fixes & usability improvements

Known Issues

  • Projects using Flamenco with Cypress chipset may fail to show probability scores

  • Test Replay fails to show warning when navigating away and back to page

Qeexo AutoML 1.24.0

Dec-20, 2023

New Features:

  • Completed Full End-to-End Support for Non-Hardware Users

  • Test Data Replay Inference Playback

  • Arm Virtual Hardware Configurable Corestones

  • Selectable Arm Compiler Support for AVH Projects

Bug Fixes & Improvements:

  • Support for up to 16kHz ODR for Flamenco IMU

  • Added Data Segmentation Copy Option

  • General web-app bug fixes & usability improvements

Known Issues:

  • LIVE TEST instability of some builds for Arduino IOT

  • Intermittent issues syncing local data with some data collections on Windows

  • Observed CNN training failures on Arm Virtual Hardware when enabling U55 acceleration and maximum instance length

  • observed Arduino Nano BLE Sense (Rev2) latency calculation failures with large builds for some models

Qeexo AutoML 1.22.1

Nov-21, 2023

New Features:

  • TDK IIM46235 Target Hardware Public Beta Support

Bug Fixes & Improvements:

  • Deprecated ST MLC Support

Qeexo AutoML 1.22.0

Oct 11, 2023

New Features:

  • Arduino Nano33 BLE Sense (R2)

  • Asynchronous Live Testing (Test Data Replay)

  • Arm Compiler Support

  • Auto Encoder Support for MCA Projects

Bug Fixes & Improvements:

  • Streamlined Training and Test Data Handling

  • General Web-App and Usability Improvements

Known Issues:

  • CNN training failures observed on Arm Virtual Hardware when enabling U55 acceleration with maximum instance length

  • Arduino Nano BLE Sense (Rev2) latency calculation failures observed with large builds for some models

Qeexo AutoML 1.21.0

Jun 29, 2023

New Features:

  • TDK SSO Support

Bug Fixes & Improvements:

  • Assisted Segmentation – Collection-to-Collection

  • New Data Augmentations – Rotation Invariant

  • General Web-App and Usability Improvements

  • Faster performance

Known Issues:

  • Occasional time-out observed when using assisted segmentation on large data collections

Qeexo AutoML 1.20.1

May 02, 2023

Known Issues:

  • Data check process gets stuck occasionally

  • Nicla Sense ME (sensor) connectivity issue with single class project

  • AVH project exports display N/A until running Live Replay

Qeexo AutoML 1.20.0

March 27, 2023

New Features:

  • Added Nicla Sense ME MCU support

  • Integrated IAR & Arm IDE

  • New features under Data page

    • Added bulk delete option for data collections

    • Added filter option

  • Allow Binary and Static Library downloads for AVH

  • Improved Assisted Segmentation feature performance

  • Improved data collection process to make it more robust against network instability

Bug Fixes & Improvements:

  • Fixed Assisted Segmentation not running for individual labels issue

  • Fixed single class project’s live classification doesn’t change according to the THRESHOLD value issue

  • Fixed GAS sensor naming is not aligned across AutoML platform issue

  • Fixed occasionally issue that the instance length is in the correct range but still rejected by AutoML

  • Fixed issue of Test datasets are not correctly selected for Test Data Evaluation

Known Issues:

  • Data check process gets stuck occasionally

  • Data visualization not available after switching training/test data

  • Nicla Sense ME (sensor) connectivity issue with single class project

  • AVH project exports display N/A until running Live Replay

Qeexo AutoML 1.19.0

January 10, 2023

New Features:

  • Added Assisted Segmentation feature to auto detect segments with one manual segment index

  • Added Model Compression to enable users to control the maximum static library size

  • Added Data Augmentation feature

  • New segmentation feature including:

    • reveal corresponding segments on the plot while clicking segment list

  • Added DELETE ALL segments button

  • Added edit segment range/locator feature

Bug Fixes & Improvements:

  • Fixed and Enabled AVH Live Replay and Latency checks

  • Increased the data collection uploading speed

  • Fixed disordered segments list after page refresh

  • Fixed data collection fails when computer goes to sleep mode issue

  • Fixed data collection still exist after deletion issue

  • Fixed not all files uploaded appear in the project issue

  • Fixed issue of some permitted numbers and characters are not allowed in the segment’s name field

  • Enabled SELECT ALL feature across all pages

Known Issues:

  • Arduino Nicla Sense ME gas sensor names not aligning across the site

  • Data check process got stuck occasionally

  • Data visualization not available after switching training/test data

Qeexo AutoML 1.18.0

October 4, 2022

New Features:

  • Added SELECT ALL data collections feature under Data page

    • SELECT ALL feature is applied for data collections that share the same sensor configuration

    • SELECT ALL only applied to data collections shown on the current page

Bug Fixes & Improvements:

  • Fixed live testing stuck at USB connection loading animation issue

  • Fixed ‘File may be corrupted’ error occurs when uploading gas sensor data

  • Fixed ‘device not found’ error during data collection for STWIN WIFI, STWIN USB and STBox projects

  • Fixed test data evaluation failure issue for STBox-MLC project

  • Fixed unable to modify manual calibration threshold issue for single class project

  • Fixed issue of updated calibration threshold is not applied during subsequent live test

Known Issues:

  • Training fails for Multi-Class Anomaly project occasionally when multiple model training are conducted at same time

  • For Arduino BLE project, latency is not calculated for some models sometime

  • For STWIN WIFI project, application crashed shortly after device connection occasionally

  • For STWIN WIFI project, data collection time length may be shortened sometime

  • For Nicla sensor project, gas sensor data can’t be visualized occasionally

  • Data check got stuck with large data sometime

Qeexo AutoML 1.17.2

September 7, 2022

Bug Fixes & Improvements:

  • Improved WIFI support for enterprise account. Feel free to reach out to us for enablement/activate

  • Improved AutoML handling of large, many data collections and labels

  • Computing performance improved

  • Fixed AutoML software crashing issue after launched for a few seconds

  • Fixed issue with live replay returning N/A for AVH projects

  • Fixed training library building failure for STWIN MLC projects

  • Fixed UI issue with Data Re-Record

  • Fix test data evaluation time out issue due to large data collection

  • Fixed UI issue with Test data and Training data page switching

Qeexo AutoML 1.17.0

August 4, 2022

New Features:

  • Added target hardware support for Arduino Nicla Sense ME, exposed sensors: accelerometer, gyroscope, and temperature

  • Exposed Auto-Encoder single class anomaly model

  • Enabled end-to-end STWINKT1B WIFI OTA firmware flashing, data collection, and live testing for enterprise users

Bug Fixes & Improvements:

  • Qeexo AutoML desktop client package installs flashing tools for supported target hardware

  • Streamlined manual UI data segmentation user flow

  • UI labeling and consistency improvements

  • Support for Arduino IDE for static library integration

  • Implemented new EV code signing

Known Issues:

  • Multi-Class anomaly Classification is not supported for Nicla Sensor project

  • For Windows user, data collection Reset is not available for all sensor devices

  • For Arm Virtual Hardware project, latency calculation is not supported for Live replay

  • When creating segmentation, custom color is not work functionally, Please stay with provided colors

Qeexo AutoML 1.16.3

May 19, 2022

New Features:

  • Exposed Arm Virtual Hardware Live Replay (Live Testing) feature for AVH projects

Bug Fixes & Improvements:

  • Fixed segment display issue when navigating away or refreshing segment editor

  • Exposed 1.3KHZ ODR option for STWin low power accelerometer

Known Issues:

  • UMAP / PCA plots visualizations in training timeouts

  • Excessive classes / classes labels may cause issues with live testing

Qeexo AutoML 1.16.2

April 26, 2022

Bug Fixes & Improvements:

  • Fixed issue where segment color was not retained

Qeexo AutoML 1.16.1

April 26, 2022

New Features:

  • Exposed Arm Virtual Hardware M55 MCU device

Bug Fixes & Improvements:

  • Optimized Qeexo AutoML ML pipeline for keyword detection use case

  • Improved spectrogram data segmentation color scheme

Known Issues:

  • Segment color labels do not persist when navigating away from the segment editor 

Qeexo AutoML 1.16.0

April 18, 2022

Bug Fixes & Improvements:

  • Fixed weights / sensitivities apply to device issue under Live Classification Analysis page

  • Fixed error of loading UMAP and PCA plots for grouped datasets

  • Fixed error of UMAP and PCA plot display when visualizing from manual sensor selection during new training process

  • Fixed spectrogram segmenting issue Improved Qeexo Documentation under Help Center

  • Fixed sampling rate mismatching issue for data uploading

  • Improvement of Single Class model’s anomaly detection

  • Improved Training Data Split across ML pipeline

  • Improved Test data evaluation user flow and model performance result display

  • Improved data batching

  • Integrated New UNICO / mlc_configuration_tool Version into AutoML

  • Any model support quantization is now on default

Known Issues:

  • Segment color labels do not persist when navigating away from the segment editor 

Qeexo AutoML 1.15.7

March 16, 2022

Bug Fixes & Improvements:

  • Fixed live test hanging with STWin due to software reset issue

  • Improved data segmentation creation time

  • Fixed issue with spectrogram data segmentation

  • Fixed build failure issue caused by duplicate time-stamps

Known Issues:

  • Segment color labels do not persist when navigating away from the segment editor 

  • UMAP and PCA plot display error when visualizing from manual sensor selection during new training process

Qeexo AutoML 1.15.0

January 14, 2022

New Features:

  • Manual UI Data Segmentation

  • Exposed ‘Current’ sensor for STWin devices

Bug Fixes & Improvements:

  • STWin now supports DFU mode without the need for ST-LINK/v2

  • Improved post-training test data linkage

  • Replaced event data collection option with UI data segmentation

Known Issues:

▪ Segment color labels do not persist when navigating away from the segment editor

Qeexo AutoML 1.14.4

New Features:

  • Support for ST Meta Classifier for MLC projects

  • Edit Label functionality

  • Spectrogram data visualization

  • Arduino BLE classification support for Windows

Bug Fixes & Improvements:

  • Further improved automatic filter & feature selection performance for MLC projects

  • Improved Qeexo AutoML restrictions on ML pipeline input to address build failures

  • Addressed issue with MCU event classification

Known Issues:

  • Data check errors observed on event data collected with Qeexo AutoML

  • Error observed while loading UMAP and PCA plots for grouped datasets

Qeexo AutoML 1.14.3

Bug Fixes & Improvements:

  • Added support for Windows 10 versions 19043.985 and newer

  • Addressed data collection saving issue with large datasets on Windows

  • Addressed issue with event data visualizations for single-channel sensors

Known Issues:

  • Data check errors observed on event data collected with AutoML

Qeexo AutoML 1.14.1

Bug Fixes & Improvements:

  • Added support for data visualization y-axis scroll and y-axis zoom

  • Addressed ‘Device not Found’ error when starting data collection on Windows

  • Addressed ‘Failed to Flash’ issue with STMicroelectronics and M1 Macs

Known Issues:

  • Limited support for Windows version 1903 and earlier

Qeexo AutoML 1.14.0

October 05, 2021

New Features:

Qeexo AutoML Swift-based desktop client for Windows 10 and macOS

  • Removed network and python dependencies

  • Improved test data management

  • Evaluate test data metrics without retraining models

  • Link training and test data at the label level with exclusion control

  • Improved automatic filter & feature selection performance for MLC projects

  • Added data export functionality

  • Multiple concurrent model builds for PRO tier customers

Bug Fixes & Improvements:

  • Addressed an issue which caused build failures after collection for some single class models on STMicroelectronics

  • Addressed an issue which caused build failure at calculating features when all models are selected

  • Improved Bluetooth stability during live classification

  • Added support for Apple M1 processor to Qeexo AutoML desktop client

Known Issues:

  • In case that flashing is not successful, resetting the embedded device and retry flashing can help. For Arudino Nano 33 BLE Sense and Arduino Nano 33 IoT, double press the white button to trigger the reset sequence

Qeexo AutoML 1.13.3

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Addressed an issue whereby all the candidate features are included in UCF and JSON output for MLC projects. In the release only the final features are exported in those 2 files

Qeexo AutoML 1.13.2

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Added support for UCF file download for MLC projects

Qeexo AutoML 1.13.1

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Addressed an issue to accept appropriate sensor ODR for MLC projects

Qeexo AutoML 1.13.0

June 30, 2021

New Features

  • Added support for STMicroelectronics Machine Learning Core (MLC) sensors

  • Added a new classification type, “Multi-class Anomaly”, which is a multi-class classification that can also detect an unknown class (“none-of-the-above" scenario)

  • Added FFT power-adaptive binning feature group to the following hardware platforms:
    - Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense
    - Renesas RA6M3 ML Sensor Module
    - STMicroelectronics
    - STMicroelectronics STWINKT1B Wireless Industrial Node

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Achieved OWASP Application Security Verification Standard (ASVS) Level 1 Compliance (penetration test)

  • Increased data collection time limit to one hour on the following hardware platforms:
    - Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense
    - Renesas RA6M3 ML Sensor Module
    - STMicroelectronics
    - STMicroelectronics STWINKT1B Wireless Industrial Node

  • Improved error handling of the CSV data upload process

Known Issues

  • Disabled live classification over Bluetooth for the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense and the Arduino Nano 33 IoT on Windows (corresponding Arduino open-source code does not support Windows 10 version 2004 (20H2) or later)

  • Apple computers with M1 chip are currently not supported on Qeexo AutoML (coming soon)

Qeexo AutoML 1.12.0

March 29, 2021

New Features

  • ZMOD4410 indoor air quality sensor and pressure sensor support for Renesas RA6M3 ML Sensor Module

  • Revised PRO and ENTERPRISE tiers with paid subscriptions

  • Single-class classification support for the Arduino Nano 33 IoT (Cortex-M0+)

  • STWIN SensorTile Wireless Industrial Node (STWINKT1B from STMicroelectronics) support

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Microsoft Edge browser support

Known Issues

Renesas RA6M3 ML Sensor Module may occasionally stop streaming data, which can affect both data collection and live classification. This issue can be fixed by disconnecting and reconnecting the USB cable from the Renesas RA6M3 to reset device

Qeexo AutoML 1.11.3

December 16, 2020

New Features

  • Added new machine learning models: Polynomial Support Vector Machine (POLYSVM), RBF Support Vector Machine (RBFSVM), Gaussian Naive Bayes (GNB), One Class Random Forest (ORF)

  • Added optional step to collect and upload Test Data datasets to measure trained model performance against the uploaded datasets

  • Added PCA plot and F1 score to model details

  • Added time limit and trial threshold to Hyperparameter Tuning Optimizer

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Removed Chrome extension dependency by adding a Qeexo AutoML native app

  • STWIN now supports both digital and analog microphones

  • Added proxy server option for Qeexo AutoML installers to bypass network restrictions

Known Issues

  • Multiple CSV files upload with different sensor configurations is not supported and may lead to unexpected issues. Each upload should only contain data with the same sensor configurations

  • Uploading a large amount of data through multiple CSV files at once may fail when server traffic overloads

Additional Notes

  • SensorTile.Box now supports DFU mode, without the need for ST-LINK/v2

Qeexo AutoML 1.11.3 (EARLY ACCESS)

November 19, 2020

New Features

  • Qeexo AutoML frontend runs natively, without the need for Chrome extension

  • Added proxy option for frontend installers

  • Added Test data management

  • Added new models: RBF Support Vector Machine (RBFSVM), Gaussian Naive Bayes (GNB), One Class Random Forest (ORF)

  • Added PCA plot and F1 score to model details

  • Added time limit, trial threshold to Hyperparameter Tuning Optimizer

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • STWIN now supports both digital and analog microphones

Known Issues

  • UI issue: RBFSVM stays at “get available memory” stage but the model training is actually complete

  • AQ-2097

  • OCSVM may fail in large dataset

  • Some group labels may be inconsistent when Test data is applied to label groups

Notes about Docker on Windows

  • Requires 8GB of memory for docker if running on Windows

  • Linux it is automatically allocated

Additional Notes

  • ST.BOX now supports DFU mode, without the need for JLINK/v2

Qeexo AutoML 1.11.0

New Features:

  • Native App (no need for Chrome extension)

  • Test data management

  • New models: Polynomial Support Vector Machine (POLYSVM), RBF Support Vector Machine (RBFSVM), Gaussian Naive Bayes (GNB), One Class Random Forest (ORF)

  • Event Classification

  • STWIN supports dual microphone

  • PCA plot

  • F1 score

  • Hyperparameter Tuning Optimizer

  • Proxy option for installer

Qeexo AutoML 1.10.3

September 24, 2020

New Features

  • Added new hardware platform that supports M0: Arduino Nano 33 IoT

  • Bronze users can now create custom applications by downloading static library

Known Issues

  • Specific configurations of multiple sensors when selected together with the microphone, sometimes causes training failures of the CNN model

  • Selecting data from the 1Hz low-power accelerometer sensor from STWINKT1 hardware sometimes causes training failures

  • Sometimes, the original data would still exist after re-recording

  • Class label names cannot contain special characters such as <, >, |, :, “, and \

  • Certain USB Type-C hubs cause connection issues in macOS. We recommend using an USB A-to-C adapter rather than a hub

Qeexo AutoML 1.9.1

September 5, 2020

New Features

  • Added new hardware platform: RA6M3 ML Sensor Module from Renesas. Currently, accelerometer, gyroscope, humidity, light, and temperature sensors are supported

  • Improved Qeexo AutoML signup process

  • Added DFU mode support for ST, which means that the ST-LINK/v2 programmer and adapter are no longer required to flash the

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Fixed latency calculation failures

  • Added various UI-related fixes/improvements

Known Issues

  • Specific configurations of multiple sensors when selected together with the microphone, sometimes causes training failures of the CNN model

  • Selecting data from the 1Hz low-power accelerometer sensor from STWINKT1 hardware sometimes causes training failures

  • Sometimes, the original data would still exist after re-recording

  • Class label names cannot contain special characters such as <, >, |, :, “, and \

  • Certain USB Type-C hubs cause connection issues in macOS. We recommend using an USB A-to-C adapter rather than a hub

Qeexo AutoML 1.8.2

August 10, 2020

New Features

  • Added new hardware platform: STWINKT1 from STMicroelectronics

  • Added new ML algorithms: one class SVM, linear SVM, RNN, CRNN

  • Added Live Classification Analysis to finetune trained models

  • Added quantization options to reduce model size

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Fixed a flashing issue on the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense

  • Fixed a training issue that occurs when only one axis (x, y, or z) is selected for accelerometer and/or gyroscope

  • Added data-check-related improvements

  • Added various UI-related fixes/improvements

Known Issues

  • When different data types (Continuous/Event) are grouped together during training, unexpected results such as training failure may occur. We recommend not mixing different data types within a Group

  • Specific configurations of multiple sensors when selected together with the microphone, sometimes causes training failures of the CNN model

  • Class label names cannot contain special characters such as <, >, |, :, “, and \

  • Certain USB Type-C hubs cause connection issues in macOS. We recommend using an USB A-to-C adapter rather than a hub

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